Once we were first to report that Sundeep is hero of Jason Vijay's directorial debut film. Lyca has officially announced the film with a motion poster. We learn that music is by Thaman. Sanjay has tagged Director Sanjeev in his X post. The motion poster on You Tube is on second spot. For this project, Ajith Kumar's manager Suresh Chandra is the PRO and his company Done Channel too has been tagged.
Teaser of Vidaamuyarchi shows a scene of Hollywood film it. Did it appear deliberately in this teaser or was it a indication that the film is a crossover of IT film character Bowers and the hero of Breakdown. The teaser shows a missing persons board and a paper clipping of the Harry Bowers missing. Was is a goof up or an indication of things to come ?
Is the antagonist in Vidamuyurchi modelled on Harry Bowers ? Henry Bowers, the character in Stephen King's "It," is portrayed as a bully and is generally mean to others, including girls. In the 2017 film adaptation and its sequel, Bowers is depicted as a violent and aggressive character who harasses and intimidates his peers, particularly the Losers' Club, with a focus on his hatred towards them. While his interactions with girls are not the primary focus, he embodies toxic masculinity and engages in bullying behavior that can extend to anyone he perceives as weaker, including female characters. His actions reflect broader themes of bullying and fear in the story.
Arjun and Regina in the teaser appear to be the bad guys.